

Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad : Refuting 20 Common Allegations Against Him

Promised Messiah Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad PBUH, Group Photo With Companions


  1. Allegation against the family of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
  2. Allegation Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was a British agent
  3. Allegation Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad insulted Jesus
  4. Allegation Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad promised 50 books but delivered five
  5. Allegation Ahmad claimed Qadian is mentioned in the Quran
  6. Allegation Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad misunderstood revelations
  7. Allegation Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's revelations were blasphemous
  8. Allegation Ahmad's revelations were grammatically incorrect
  9. Allegation Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad used harsh language against opponents
  10. Allegation Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad wrote the word 'curse' 1,000 times
  11. Allegation Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad made 'death threats'
  12. Allegation Muhammadi Begum prophecy failed
  13. Allegation Atham prophecy failed
  14. Allegation Piggot prophecy failed
  15. Allegation prophecy of age of death failed
  16. Allegation Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad passed away in the bathroom
  17. Allegation Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad passed away from cholera
  18. Allegation prophets leave no inheritance
  19. Allegation continued opposition proves Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad false
  20. Allegation Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad abolished jihad

1- Allegation against the family of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
The allegation is made that Ahmad's family were not the kind you would expect a prophet of Allah to come from as his distant cousins were not religious. However, the Quran repeatedly says the status of a prophet's family has no bearing on the truthfulness of his message. For instance:

Allah sets forth an example for those who disbelieve, the wife of Noah and the wife of Lot. They were under two righteous servants of Ours, but they acted treacherously to them. (Quran 66:10-11)

2- Allegation Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was a British agent
This allegation is raised because at the time the British were not only the most powerful empire in the world, but also ruled Ahmad's homeland, India. However it is demonstrably false.

Before the British embarked on their mission to conquer India, Ahmad's family were the chieftains and rulers of 5 villages, with legitimate claims to dozens more. They fought against the British to defend India, while other Muslim chieftains were busy betraying their nation by fighting with the British. If they were agents of the British why did they fight against them?

Then, when the British came to power they gave lands to those Muslims who were truly their agents. Yet with Ahmad and his family they did quite the opposite - snatching the majority of their lands from them and reducing their status. Meanwhile, renowned Muslim leaders such as Sir Allama Muhammad Iqbal were receiving titles, in his case a knighthood. Ahmad received nothing. No title, no knighthood, no land, nothing. What sort of agent is this who receives no benefit from his so-called master?

The British government's secret records are released after 30 years to the national archives. They show various Muslim leaders at the time were receiving large sums of money in return for remaining agents of the British. Yet there is not one single record which shows anything similar of the Ahmadiyya community.

Further, Ahmad requested all his followers make financial sacrifices for the running of his community (publication of literature, building and maintenance of mosques/schools/colleges etc). This raises two obvious points. Firstly, demanding money from your followers is counterproductive as it will reduce your number of followers. Only those certain of your truthfulness will enter your community if they are required to make large financial donations. This demand would reduce his influence on Muslims by reducing his number of followers drastically. Why would the British allow their agent to do such a thing? Secondly, why would the Ahmadiyya organisation need such large financial donations if it was already being funded by the British or some other rich and powerful government?

The British empire was run by staunch Christians who brought their missionaries with them - the hundreds of millions of Anglican Christians in the former parts of the British empire is a testament to that. However, Ahmad's wrote and distributed dozens of books refuting Christian theology and emphasising the superiority of Islam. What sort of British agent would be allowed to devote his time and resources to demonstrating the superiority of the local religion over their imperial masters in this way?

3- Allegation Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad insulted Jesus
This allegation is made using quotes such as:

It is extremely shameful that the Sermon of the Mount, which forms the core of the New Testament was plagiarised by Jesus from the Jewish book, The Talmud, and then he pretended as if it were his own teachings, but since the time this plagiarism has been discovered the Christians have been suffering a great shame. Jesus committed this act (of forgery) to perhaps gain influence by presenting some good teachings. (Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, Anjam-e-Atham)

In reality, all such quotes were made in defence of the vile abuse Christian missionaries in India were leveling against Muhammadsa. In this instance, Ahmad was responding to Christian preacher Atham and refuting the allegation the Quran had been plagiarised from the Bible by pointing out the same allegation could just as easily be leveled against the teachings of Jesus. Ahmad explained:

When we are deeply hurt and unjustified attacks of all kinds are made on our Holy Prophetsa, only then, as a warning, we retaliate in kind on the basis of their (Christians’) own authentic books. They ought to point out in my writings anything which I have written as a retaliatory response and it is not found in the Gospels. After all it is not possible for me, that on hearing the insult of the Holy Prophetsa I remain silent. (Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, Malfuzat)

Everywhere in my writing I (referring to Christ) have meant the supposititious Jesus of Christians. Isa bin Maryam, who was a prophet of God and who is mentioned in the Holy Quran is certainly never intended in my harsh comments and let it be remembered that if in future any (Christian) padre, shunning the ways of abuse, speaks politely, I, too, shall be polite with him. At present they themselves are responsible for the attacks on their Jesus for under no circumstances they refrain from abuse and vituperation. (Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, Nur-ul-Quran)

Hazrat Isa is an exalted prophet of God. Without any doubt, Isa the Messiah a.s. is a beloved of God, a chosen one, light for the world, a sun of guidance, a dear one to God, placed close to His throne. Millions of people who love him truly and follow his exhortations correctly shall be saved from hell. (Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, Damimah Risalah Government Angrezi Aur Jihad)

4- Allegation Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad promised 50 books but delivered five
The allegation is made that Ahmad promised to write 50 volumes of Baraheen-e-Ahmadiyya, a book in defence of Islam, but only delivered five. This is true as he changed his plans. He did however go on to write more than 50 books in defence of Islam (close to 90) after Baraheen-e-Ahmadiyya so in fact he over-delivered. Another aspect of this allegation is the claim Ahmad took the money for all 50 volumes and so defrauded his readers by only delivering five. This is also false, as Ahmad gave refunds to those left unsatisfied:

We have twice published a pamphlet saying that anyone who wants to take his contribution for Baraheen-e-Ahmadiyya back need only send our books back and we will refund his money. So all those inwardly ignorant people can send me their books and take their money back. There are even some people who have returned the books in very poor conditions but still we have returned their money. And we have written on many occasions that we are always ready to return their money, but now we are again writing this notice that if there is any such customer who had complaint of Baraheen’s delay then he should send our books immediately and we will send him back his money on receipt of his letter. (Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, Ayyam e Sulah)

5- Allegation Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad claimed Qadian is mentioned in the Quran
This allegation is made by taking a quote of Ahmad's out of context and then saying he lied by stating the word 'Qadian' is mentioned in the Quran. In fact, the full quote reveals this was divine vision and he did not literally state Qadian is in the Quran:

I saw my brother Mirza Ghulam Qadir in a vision reciting the Holy Quran aloud. In the course of recitation he recited: "We have sent it down close to Qadian". I expressed my surprise that the name of Qadian should be mentioned in the Holy Quran. (Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, Izala-e-Auham)

6- Allegation Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad misunderstood revelations
Ahmad occasionally misinterpreted revelations:

O Jesus (revelation received by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, Baraheen-e-Ahmadiyya)

In the above revelation, Ahmad was addressed as Jesus. However, it was not until many years later he made his claim to messiahship, as he initially misinterpreted this revelation. Taking examples such as these, critics of Ahmad reject his prophethood, but they forget that other prophets have also misinterpreted revelations:

He said: "O my dear son, I have seen in a dream that I offer thee in sacrifice. So consider what thou thinkest of it!" He replied: "O my father, do as thou art commanded. Thou wilt find me, if Allah please, steadfast in my faith." And when they both submitted to the will of Allah, and Abraham had thrown him down on his forehead, we called to him: "O Abraham thou hast, indeed, fulfilled the dream." (Quran 37:102-106)

The prophet Abraham misinterpreted a commandment in a divine dream to mean he had to kill his own son, when in fact all it meant is that he and his son should be obedient to Allah.

Noah cried unto his Lord and said: "My Lord, verily, my son is of my family, and surely Thy promise is true, and Thou art the Most Just of judges." Allah said: "O Noah, he is surely not of thy family. He is indeed a man of unrighteous conduct. So do not ask of Me that of which thou hast no knowledge. I admonish thee lest thou be one of the ignorant." (Quran 11:45-47)

Allah had revealed to Noah his family would be saved so Noah wrongly interpreted this promise to include his disbelieving son.

7- Allegation Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's revelations were blasphemous
This allegation is based on revelations such as these:

You are to Me as My Unity. You are of Me and I am of you. (revelation received by Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad)

However, Muhammadsa received similar revelations:

So you slew them not; but it was Allah Who slew them. And thou threwest not when thou didst throw, but it was Allah Who threw, that He might overthrow the disbelievers and that He might confer on the believers a great favour from Himself. (Quran, 8:17/18)

The meaning of such revelations is explained by Allah:

Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said: "Allah said, 'My slave keeps on coming closer to Me through performing voluntary worship till I love him, so I become his sense of hearing with which he hears, and his sense of sight with which he sees, and his hand with which he grips, and his leg with which he walks (Bukhari)

This sort of revelation is also recorded in the Bible:

God - from Sinai He came and He flashed forth from Seir upon them. He beamed forth from the mountainous region of Paran and with him were holy myriads at his right hand warriors belonging to them. (Bible, Deuteronomy 33:2)

Far from calling the above Biblical revelation blasphemous, non-Ahmadi Muslim scholars agree the arrival of God in Paran (a hill near Mecca) was a true prophecy of the advent of Muhammadsa. Similar language has been regularly used through history by the most famous saints of Islam:

l am that aspect of God about which you have been indifferent. (Ali ibn Talib, Sharh Fusoos al Hukrn, Preface, viii, p32)

That glorious sage Abu Yazid came to the disciples and said: I am God. This perfect spiritual leader, in the state of spiritual intoxication declared: There is no God but me, serve me. In other words, in my robe there is none but God, so how long will you search Him in heaven and earth (Jaladudin Rumi, Miftah al Ulum, sec. iv, pt. ii, p25-36)

8- Allegation Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's revelations were grammatically incorrect
The allegation is made that certain English revelations of Ahmad are grammatically incorrect, such as:

God is coming by His army. He is with you to kill enemy. (English revelation received by Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad)

However, it should be noted that when publishing revelations in languages he did not know, Ahmad would sometimes also note parts of the revelation may have been forgotten:

The speed of revelation left some of these words indistinct...As these revelations are in a foreign tongue and revelation comes fast, it is possible that there may be a slight departure from the pronunciation. (Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, Haqeeqatul Wahi)

In this condition, I received a revelation of which I could only remember one phrase. Since the revelation descended at a very fast speed like the flash of lightning, the remainder could not be preserved. (Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, al-Badr February 27 1903)

The objection is sometimes raised that how can a prophet forget parts of a revelation. However, prophets are still human and even Muhammadsa would on occasion forget part of a revelation:

Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri: "The Prophet came and addressed us and said: 'I was informed of the date of the Night of Qadr but I was caused to forget it'."(Bukhari)

It should also be noted that just because a revelation does not appear to follow the rules of simple grammer, does not mean it is grammatically incorrect. For instance:

Of government the properties to unfold,
Would seem in me to affect speech and discourse;
Since I am put to know that your own science
Exceeds, in that, the lists of all advice
My strength can give you: then no more remains,
But that to your sufficiency as your Worth is able,
And let them work. (William Shakespeare, Measure for Measure)

William Shakespeare is unanimously considered the greatest writer in the history of the English language yet much of his best work does not follow the normal rules of grammer.

9- Allegation Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad used harsh language against opponents
Ahmad would occasionally respond to those who abused Islam by describing them as 'ignorant' and other similar phrases. The allegation is raised that this sort of language does not befit a prophet. However the Quran regularly confirms previous prophets used similar language to condemn the actions of evildoers:

They said, 'O Moses, make for us a god just as they have gods.' He said, 'Surely you are an ignorant people. (Quran 7:138-139)

Say: 'Shall I inform you of those whose reward with Allah is worst than that? They are those whom Allah has cursed and on whom His wrath has fallen and of whom He has made apes and swine and who worship the evil one. (Quran 5:59-61)

Yield thou not to any mean swearer, backbiter, one who goes about slandering. forbidder of good, transgressor, sinful, Ill-mannered and, in addition to that, of doubtful birth. (Quran 68:10-14)

The likeness of those who were charged with the law of Torah, but did not carry out its commandments, is as the likeness of an ass carrying a load of books. (Quran 62:5-6)

10- Allegation Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad wrote the word 'curse' 1,000 times
The allegation Ahmad wrote the Arabic word lanat, meaning ‘curse’, 1,000 times in his book is true. In fact, he wrote this word in response to those Indian Muslims who had not only left Islam but taken to abusing their former religion and his action was in accordance with the command of the Quran:

How shall Allah guide a people who have disbelieved after believing and who had borne witness that the messenger was true and to whom clear proofs had come? And Allah guides not the wrong doing people. As for such – their reward is that on them shall be the curse of Allah and of angels and of men, all together. (Quran 3:86-88)

Surely the case of Jesus is like the case of Adam. He created him out of dust, then he said to him, “Be” and he was. This is the truth from thy Lord, so be thou not of those who doubt. Now whoso disputes with thee concerning him, after what has come to thee of Knowledge, say to him ‘Come, let us call our sons and your sons, and our women and your women, and our people and your people; then let us pray fervently and invoke the curse of Allah on those who lie. (Quran 3:59-62)

The Quran also confirms previous prophets similarly cursed the disbelievers:

Those amongst the Israel who disbelieved were cursed by the tongue of David, and of Jesus, son of Mary. That was because they disobeyed and used to transgress. (Quran 5:78-79)

11- Allegation Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad made 'death threats'
The allegation is made that Ahmad's prophecies regarding the punishments of the opponents of Islam were 'threats'. These allegations fail to consider that the Quran tells of Allah's prophets foretelling far more shocking punishments for evil doers:

We sent a storm of stones upon them except the family of Lot, whom We delivered by early dawn, as a favour from Us. Thus do We reward him who is grateful and he, indeed, had warned them of Our severe punishment, but they doubted the warning. (Quran 54:34-37)

Moses said: "Our Lord, Thou hast bestowed upon Pharaoh and his chiefs splendour and riches in the present life, with the result, our Lord, that they are leading men astray from Thy path. Our Lord! destroy their riches and harden their hearts so that they believe not until they see the grievous punishment."(Quran 10:88-89)

Noah said: "My Lord, leave not of the disbelievers even one dweller in the land for if thou dost leave them they will only lead astray thy servants and will beget none but sinners and disbelievers." (Quran 71:26-28)

12- Allegation Muhammadi Begum prophecy failed
This allegation posits that Ahmad prophecised he would marry a lady named Muhammadi Begum and as this did not occur the prophecy failed. In reality, Muhammadi Begum was from a clan of Ahmad's distant cousins who had not only rejected his claim and joined his opponents, but had turned to atheism, publishing literature insulting Muhammadsa. Then, her father Mirza Ahmad Beg, had the nerve to ask Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad for a gift of some of Ahmad's land. Ahmad replied by publishing a revelation he had received with an explanation:

I shall not destroy them at one stroke but gradually so that they might turn back. My curse will descend upon the walls of their homes, on their elders and their young ones, on their men and their women and on their guests. All of them will be accursed except those who believe and keep away from their company. They would be under Divine Mercy. (revelation received by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, Ayena Kamalat-e-Islam)

God directed me through revelation that I should seek the hand of his elder daughter in marriage and should tell him that he should first establish this relationship with me and should thereby seek light from my light. I was also directed to tell him that I had been commanded to let him have the land which he had asked for and even some more and to show benevolence towards him in many ways, provided he would agree to the marriage of his elder daughter to me. This would be a covenant between us and if he agreed to it he would find me a good party to it, but if he did not agree to it I was to warn him that I had been informed by God that her marriage to anyone else would not prove blessed for the person she marries nor for her father. If he did not comply with my request he would be afflicted with misfortunes culminating in his death. He would die within three years of the marriage. Indeed, his death might occur earlier at a time when he is unaware. (Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, Ayena Kamalat-e-Islam)

The meaning was absolutely clear. The marriage would only take place if Mirza Ahmad Beg agreed to it and - if he did not - Allah would punish him with death within three years. After that, those in the family who repented would be saved. Mirza Ahmad Beg did not agree to the marriage and instead married Muhammadi Begum to Mirza Sultan Muhammad. Within six months - exactly in accordance with the prophecy - Mirza Ahmad Beg passed away. Following this clear sign, the majority of his family accepted Ahmadiyya and remain members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community to this day. They have regularly testified to the fulfillment of this prophecy:

I have always, and still consider the late Mirza Sahib a righteous and respected person who was a servant of Islam, who had a noble spirit and who was constant in his remembrance of God. I entertain no opposition to his followers. (Muhammadi Begum's husband, Mirza Sultan Muhammad, Tashizul Azhan May 1913)

At the time of the prophecy, the Arya Hindus, because of Lekh Ram and the Christians, because of Athim, offered me a hundred thousand rupees to file a case against Mirza Sahib. If I had taken the amount I would have become rich but it was my great faith in him that prevented me from doing so...I declare on oath that I have such firm faith in Hazrat Mirza Sahib which I think even you, who profess to be his followers, cannot claim. (Muhammadi Begum's husband, Mirza Sultan Muhammad, Al Fazl 9th June 1921)

My grandfather, Mirza Ahmad Beg died as a result of the prophecy and the rest of the family became frightened and hence reformed themselves. An undeniable proof of this is that most of them joined Ahmadiyyat. (Muhammadi Begum's son, Mirza Ishaq Beg, Al Fazl 26th February, 1923)

13- Allegation Atham prophecy failed
Abdullah Atham was a former Indian Muslim who not only converted to Christianity and became a popular preacher with the British clergy, but also began to publish literature full of abuse for Muhammadsa. Atham even dared to call Muhammadsa the evil anti-Christ, God forbid. Ahmad became involved in a debate with him, defending Islam against his attacks. Opponents of Ahmadiyya claim that during this debate Ahmad prophecised the death of Atham within 15 months and as this did not occur it was a failed prophecy. However they fail to read the full prophecy:

Out of the two parties in this debate the one who was deliberately following a falsehood and abandoning the true God and transforming a weak mortal into a God shall, within the days since the debate, i.e. one month since this day till fifteen months thereafter, be thrown into hell and will be greatly disgraced provided it is not inclined towards the truth. (Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, Jange Muqaddis)

Ahmad clearly stated that Atham would be saved if he inclined towards the truth. During the intervening period, Atham gave up his career as a preacher and began to live almost as a hermit. After 15 months, Christian leaders begged him to sign a statement saying he had not repented his previous position. They even offered him what was then an enormous sum of 4,000 rupees, but all efforts were in vain and Atham remained silent, refusing to deny repenting.

14- Allegation Piggot prophecy failed
The allegation is made that Ahmad prophecised the death of John Hugh Smyth Piggot before his own, but as this did not occur the prophecy failed. This prophecy was made in 1902, immediately after John Hugh Smyth Piggot claimed to be a god to a large gathering of his followers. However, in the very notice this prophecy was made Ahmad also added:

I therefore warn him through this notice that if he does not repent his irreverent claim he shall soon be annihilated. (Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, 1902)

The prophecy was conditional on Piggot not repenting his claim to be a god. The facts conclusively show that not once between 1902 and Ahmad's death in 1908 did Piggot repeat his claim of being a god, despite being the religious leader of a sect and presumably delivering regular speeches. Instead he would sign his occupation as 'priest' and mounted a plaque at his house with the words engraved:

"I am a man. Nothing akin to humanity to I consider alien to me" (John Hugh Smyth Piggot's personal plaque)

The non-Ahmadi expert scholars and professors all agree on this point.

The flamboyant Messiah became a quiet  gentle pastor. He adopted the role of benign squire rather than that of Messiah. (D. McCormick, writing in his biography on Piggot, The Temple of Love)

[John Hugh Smyth Piggot] backed off and retreated from these claims. (Dr Joshua Schwieso, university lecturer and Membership Secretary for the Society of Church Archaelogy)

Such prophecies of Ahmad were always conditional and those who repented could be saved. This is exactly in line with the story of the prophet Jonah, whose people according to both the Quran and Bible were saved despite a prophecy of their destruction, because they repented:

Why was there no town, which believed so that their belief should have profited them, save the people of Jonah? When they believed, We removed from them the punishment of disgrace in the present life, and We gave them provision for a while. (Quran 10:98-99)

15- Allegation prophecy of age of death failed
Critics claim Ahmad prophecised he would live to 80, but as he lived only from 1835-1908 (1250-1326 by the Islamic calendar) this prophecy failed. However they fail to read the revelation on which this prophecy was based (received when Ahmad was a young man) with due care:

Your age will be eight years - a few years less or some years more - and you will live long enough to witness your distant progeny. (revelation received by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad)

The prophecy is clear that  Ahmad will live to approximately and not exactly eighty. As he lived to 76 by Islamic years there can be no objection. However, critics then contest the date of Ahmad's birth by presenting:

I was born towards the last era of Sikh rule in 1839 or 1840. (Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, Kitabul Bariya)

However, to assume from this statement that Ahmad was born in 1840 is utterly wrong. At that time in India, record keeping was poor and birthdays were not celebrated in the way they are today so Ahmad did not know the exact date on which he was born. He estimated that he might have been born towards the late 1830s, but did not know the exact year let alone day on which he was born. On other occasions he estimated other dates:

On 23rd of August, 1903 a leaflet was published from me against Dowie which states that I am around 70 years in age. (Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, Haqiqatul Wahi)

God knows the real age but according to my knowledge, my age is near 70 years at present in the year 1323 AH (1905 AD). God knows best (Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad,Baraheen-e-Ahmadiyya)

This is strange and I see it as a sign of God that right in the year 1290 AH (1873 AD) this humble self had attained communion with God (Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, Haqiqatul Wahi)

When I reached the age of 40, God blessed me with his word and revelation (Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad,Taryaqul-Quloob)

Even non-Ahmadi publications stipulated Ahmad's older age:

He’s already 63 years old. (Maulvi Hussain Batalwi, Risala Isha’at-us-sunnah v15 p191 in 1893)

The Qadian man predicted that if Dowie accepted the challenge: "He shall leave the world before my eyes with great sorrow and torment." If Dowie declined, the Mirza said: "The end would only be deferred; death awaited him just the same, and calamity will soon overtake Zion." That was the grand prophecy; Zion should fall and Dowie die before Ahmad. It appeared to be a risky step for the Promised Messiah to defy the restored Elijah to an endurance test, for the challenger was by 15 years the older man of the two. (Truth Seeker, June l5 1904)

The latter quote, from a US newspaper, claimed Ahmad was 15 years older than John Alexander Dowie, who was born in 1947. Fifteen years earlier would be 1932. So now we have a range of possible birth dates between 1932 and 1940. Correlating all the available evidence together (which is too lengthy to discuss here) Ahmadi Muslim scholars arrived at a most likely date of 1935. However, if there was any doubt left Allah confirmed the truth:

The appointed time of your death has come close (revelation received by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, The Will 1905)

In this revelation, Allah confirmed the true meaning of the original prophecy regarding the date of death of Ahmad and within three years of its publication he passed away.

16- Allegation Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad passed away in the bathroom
The allegation is made Ahmad passed away in the bathroom. It is simply a lie, which only exposes the foul minded and deceitful nature of the opponents of Ahmad. Every available witness account in recorded history confirms he passed away in his bedroom, shortly after completing the writing of his final book and delivering a speech in Lahore. If the liars who make this allegation have a single shred of evidence except the ideas created in their own filthy and mischievous imaginations, they should present it.

17- Allegation Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad passed away from cholera
The opponents of Ahmadiyya allege Ahmad passed away from cholera by presenting the following quote:

The night Hazrat sahib fell ill, I had gone in my room to sleep. As soon as his illness grew severe, I was woken up. When I went to Hazrat sahib and saw his condition, he addressed me saying: "Am I suffering from cholera? " (Mir Nasir Nawab)

A patient's fearful question - when he is not a medical professional - has no bearing on what his actual illness is. All the English non-Ahmadi doctors who saw Ahmad, as well as all present witnesses, confirm he passed away from a mixture of weakness, exhaustion and perhaps a stomach virus. At the time in India, to prevent the spread of cholera, the law prevented bodies which had passed away from this disease from being moved. By law, they had to be buried in the place where they passed away. Yet, the non-Ahmadi English officials certified Ahmad had not suffered from cholera, allowing his body to be transported by train to Qadian where it was buried.

18- Allegation prophets leave no inheritance
This allegation is based on the fact Ahmad left an inheritance to his children which seemingly contradicts the following hadith:

Our property will not be inherited, whatever we (prophets) leave is charity. (Bukhari)

However, this hadith itself seems to contradict the Quran:

Solomon was heir to David. (Quran 27:16-17)

This is an account of the mercy of thy Lord shown to His servant Zachariah. When he called upon his Lord in a low voice. He said: "My Lord, my bones have indeed become feeble and my head is all aflame with hoariness but never, my Lord, have I been unblessed in my prayer to Thee and I fear my relations after me, and my wife is barren. So grant me from Thyself a successor, to be my heir." (Quran 19:1-7)

Several prophets did leave an inheritance and the true meaning of this hadith is Muhammadsaonly meant he himself would leave no inheritance, as another hadith testifies:

Narrated Malik bin Aus An-Nasri: "Allah's apostle said: 'Our property is not to be inherited and whatever we leave is to be given in charity' and by this Allah's Apostle meant himself. (Bukhari)

19- Allegation continued opposition proves Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad false
The allegation is made that because Ahmad has not been accepted by the majority of Muslims and instead they raise objections and opposition to him, proves he is false. The Quran rejects this:

The Messengers have been mocked at before thee, but that which they mocked at encompassed those of them who scoffed at it. (Quran 6:10-11)

Every time there came to them a Messenger with what their hearts desired not, they treated some as liars and some they sought to kill. (Quran 5:70-71)

Even so there came no Messenger to those before them, but they said: "A sorcerer or a madman." (Quran 51:52-53)

The chiefs of his people, who disbelieved, said: "He is only a mortal like yourselves. He seeks to gain superiority over you and if Allah had so willed, He could have, surely, sent down angels with him. We have never heard of such a thing among our forefathers. He is but a man stricken with madness; wait, therefore, concerning him for a while." (Quran 23:24-26)

When Moses came to them with Our clear Signs, they said: "This is nothing but a forged sorcery and we never heard the like of this among our forefathers." (Quran 28:36-37)

The Quran confirms every prophet was mocked, treated as a liar and had false allegations leveled against them. The reality is, 1400 years after Muhammadsa passed away, the majority of the world still rejects him and Islam as a false religion (only 1.6 billion out of 7 billion people worldwide are Muslim). In the case of Jesus, to this day the Jews reject the message he brought to them. The reality is it will take time for the victory of Ahmad and his followers to occur.

20- Allegation Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad abolished jihad
The allegation is made that because Ahmad has not been accepted by the majority of Muslims and instead they raise objections and opposition to him, proves he is false. The Quran rejects this:

In the present age, the pen has been raised against Islam and it was through it that Muslims had been caused so much pain and suffering. Therefore, the pen should be the weapon of the Muslims. It is the duty of every Muslim to join this battle … The jihad of this age is to propagate Islam and refute the allegation of the critics; to spread the beauty of the true religion, Islam, in the world, and to manifest the truth of Prophet Muhammad to the world. But this did not mean that jihad by the sword now is abrogated, only that today, jihad by the pen is the real jihad, until God produces different circumstances in the world (Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, Malfoozat)

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  1. Perfect for average readers ...

  2. What's the full reference to malfuzat given for allegation 20? Which volume, what page?

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