


An article with a full and referenced history/analysis of the split between Lahori and Qadiani Ahmadi sects can be found on This Link

Last week we published the first part of our letter to Pope Francis which we were hoping to make a series of installments out of. However, over the weekend one Lahori commentator left a comment so disgusting that we are compelled to change our plan and reply to him. We will return to the series regarding Pope Francis at a later date.

The problems with this Lahori man began after he made a strange pact with Ahmadiphobes to spam in the comments section of this site. We had no desire to engage in any sort of debate with Lahori Ahmadis. Our primary aim with this blog is to defend Ahmadiyya from attacks and not to waste time engaging in debates with another sect of Ahmadiyya so small they had 70 members attend their international centenary Jalsa. However, as this person had initiated a debate we politely asked him to answer five questions about his belief. While we said we would publish more questions and continue the series of questions towards the Lahoris if this person could answer the first five, in reality we were more interested in writing our letter to the Pope and assumed he would be unable to answer even the first five questions without leaving the Lahori rebellion and accepting Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya.

We were right in thinking this person could have no reply, however we underestimated the vulgarity in which the enemies of Ahmadiyya can sink to (how else can you describe someone who while claiming to accept Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad mocks his prophecies and insults him in the most disgusting manner). This person, instead of replying, published a series of insults against Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya that were the most disgusting, filthy-minded and vulgar pieces of slander I have ever seen in the comments section of this site (and we have had over 9,000 comments posted over the last year). His diatribe not only mocked the prophecy of Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, but described his entire progeny as the most cursed and evil of people. It is difficult to believe that someone using this language could possibly claim to accept or even to respect Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. In answer to his question we have prepared a few points, but beforehand we would remind of the Quran's strict commandments that they have so far ignored in their approach:
Verily, those who invented the great lie are a party from among you. Think not that this incident is an evil for you, nay, it is good for you. Every one of them shall have his share of what he has earned of the sin; and he among them who took the principal part therein shall have a grievous punishment. When you heard of it, why did not the believing men and believing women think well of their own people and say, 'This is a manifest lie?' Why did not those, who gave currency to this charge, bring four witnesses to prove it? Since they have not brought the required witnesses, they are indeed liars in the sight of Allah. Were it not for the grace of Allah and His mercy upon you, in this world and the Hereafter, a great punishment would have befallen you on account of the slander you plunged in; For, you began to learn it from each other's tongue and then you uttered with your mouths that of which you had no knowledge, and you thought it to be a light matter, while in the sight of Allah it was a grievous thing. And wherefore did you not say, when you heard of it, 'It is not proper for us to talk about it. Holy art Thou, O Allah, this is a grievous calumny.' Allah admonishes you that you never repeat the like thereof, if you are believers. (Quran, 24:10-18)
Woe to every backbiter, slanderer who amasses wealth and counts it over and over. He thinks that his wealth will make him immortal. Nay! he shall, surely, be cast into the crushing torment. (Quran, 104:1-5)
The Family of the Promised Messiah
We shall grant you success a second time and shall convert your fear into security. The moon of the Prophets will come and your affair will become manifest. Allah will make your countenance cheerful and will illumine your reasoning. Soon will a son be born to you and grace will come close to you. My light is near. (revelation from Allah recorded by Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad in A'ina-e-Kmalat-e-Islam)
The Promised Messiah received this revelation a few months before the birth of Hadhrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad, the younger brother of Hadhrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih II. It clearly prophecises that this son would be a moon of the prophets, as his status would be a sign of the near grace and light of Allah. However, this was by no means the only revelation Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad received about his family. Leaving aside those we covered in our previous post, Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad wrote:
The revelation 'Be grateful to Me that you have found My Khadijah' was the good news, several years in advance, of my marriage into a noble family of Sayyeds of Delhi..my wife was named Khadijah as she is the mother to a blessed progeny, and a blessed progeny has also been promised to me. It was also an indication that she would be of a Sayyed family. (Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, Nuzulul Masih, 1902)
It should be noted that the above revelation, which was originally mentioned in the 1880s shortly before Hadhrat Sahib's marriage to Hadhrat Nusrat Jehan Begum, regarded her and her children's blessed status. Her children included Hadhrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad. She herself lived till 1952 and according to her Urdu biography has so far been blessed with approximately 800 descendants with her husband Hadhrat Sahib. Throughout her entire life, this lady who has been described Allah as 'Khadijah' did not spend a single day associating herself with the Lahori group and constantly remained loyal to the Ahmadiyya Khilafat. In fact, of her 800 descendants not a single one has in history joined the Lahori group, even for five minutes. Every single one of them has remained attached to the Islamic Khilafat of the Ahmadiyya Community.

Bearing in mind that the Ahmadiyya Khalifas have regularly and explicitly claimed to receive revelation and to have been appointed by Allah to a spiritual status, and that all four of these Khalifas since the Lahoris split from Khilafat in 1914 have been descendants of The Promised Messiah and his wife Hadhrat Nusrat Jehan Begum, the only reasonable interpretation of the actions of the Lahoris is that they believe the Ahmadiyya Khalifas to be liars and this is borne out by the disgusting and foul mouthed language being directed by our Lahori commentator towards these Khulafa. Not only this, they believe them to be the worst kinds of liars and deceivers who do so by claiming a spiritual status and revelations granted by Allah and use their influence to oppose the 'truth' of the Lahori group. 

It would be fair to interpret the Lahori position as effectively stating that the Ahmadiyya Khalifas and the entire progeny of Hadhrat Sahib are some of the worst deceivers in religious history and must surely be considered cursed in the eyes of Allah, God forbid. Every single member of Hadhrat Sahib's progeny from start to finish have remained with the Qadianis and all of them from first to last- despite Hadhrat Sahib's revelations in their favour- are given this appalling status by the Lahori group. 

This conclusion is supported by the irrefutable fact that Maulvi Muhammad Ali Sahib- the founder of Lahori group- described Hadhrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad as a 'sinner', 'extreme wrongdoer', 'blind of moral vision', 'liable to the curse of God', 'black hearted criminal', an apostate, an 'advocate of falsehood', subject to a 'divine curse' etc. etc. in his book Tabdil-e-Aqida Kay Ilzam. 

So this is their tactic, obfuscating the clear meanings of Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's revelations and writings with foul-mouthed and derogatory language. However, they should remember the revelation of 'Khadijah' cannot refer to Maulwi Muhammad Ali Sahib or any other member of the Lahori Jamaat. It can only refer to Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's wife (as she is referred to as Khadijah) and no one else and so the 'blessed progeny' he says he is promised by Allah through her can only refer to her (as Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad himself makes absolutely clear). Therefore the Lahoris should be honest and instead of distracting us with their dirty-language and abuse they should just admit they reject these revelations to be false.

Another revelation Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad received runs:
They desire to put out your light. They desire to attack your honour. I am with you and with the members of your family. (al-Badr, vol. 1, no. 2, November 7, 1902)
Allah is with the members of Hadhrat Sahib's family. Allah could have revealed that He is with the members of his community, but the word 'family' is used for a reason. Of course, Lahoris believe either this revelation was false or Allah has not just reneged on this promise but has done the exact opposite of His promise and turned this entire family into dishonourable, accursed leaders in evil. 

The truth is, in a moment of honesty the founder of the Lahori Jamaat himself admitted that everything that is being alleged to support their position by cursing the family of Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and by hurling abuse is false when he wrote:

Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad is only 18 or 19 years old. Such zeal for the faith and such eagerness in support of Islam as are manifested are something out of the ordinary. Not only on this occasion, but as I have observed on every occasion the sincere eagerness comes to the surface. It is not a casual matter that the heart of the youngster in his teens should be inspired by such eagerness and ambition, because that is the age of sports and games etc.
Now inquire from those black hearted people who call Hadhrat Sahib an impostor whence has this true eagerness entered the heart of this young man? Falsehood is utterly foul, it's effect should have been also foul and not so pure and bright as has no equal. If a person perpetrates an imposter, he might conceal it from outside, but cannot conceal it from his own children who are in his company all the time and observe every movement of his, listen to every word of his and observe the manifestation of his thoughts on all occasions. Thus where there is imposture it must become manifest sometime or other to the wife and childrenof the impostor. 
Oh yea unfortunate ones! Do reflect whether the children of an impostor, brought up during the period of his imposture can be like this. Are your hearts not human that they cannot understand such a verity and are not affected by it. What has happened to your understanding? Do reflect! Can one whose instruction bears such a fruit be false in his claim? If he is false, then what is a sign of a true one? (Maulwi Muhammad Ali Sahib, Urdu Edition of Review of Religions, March 1906)
Now of course, the Lahoris reject the arguments their own founder published in 1906 as foolish lies.

Summary of Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's writings above:
1- His son's spiritual status will be like the moon of the prophets.
2- His physical wife Hadhrat Nusrat Jehan Begum will be similar in status to The Holy Prophet s.a.w's wife Hadhrat Khadijah, known by all Muslims as the mother of believers.
3- Hadhrat Nusrat Jehan Begum's progeny will be blessed
4- Hadhrat Nusrat Jehan Begum's progeny will be a source of honour for Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
5- Allah is with the children of Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad

Questions for the Lahori Ahmadis regarding this prophecy
6- When Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad has undeniably said his progeny will be a source for his honour, will be blessed, will be like the moon of the prophets etc. by rejecting each of these revelations as false do, how can you not reject the person claiming these revelations to be from Allah (Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad) also to be false?
7- When the person Allah had appointed by revelation to be the Hadhrat Khadijah of this age spent the last 38 years of her life fighting against the Lahori organisation which was lead by people who had no comparable prophecy/revelation about their spiritual status (they might have had some small thing, but nothing of the level of being called Khadijah or the Promised Son or the Moon of the Prophets etc. etc. etc. etc.) does it not make you think it is better to accept they are wrong than to say Allah was wrong in calling her Khadijah when He should have called her mother of the accursed?
8- When Allah has said he is with the children of the Promised Messiah and we see them leading a Jamaat thriving with a TV channel, tens of millions of adherents, tens of thousands of mosques in 200 countries etc. etc. while you squander yourselves on a community of a few hundred or at most a few thousand who have not had a single one of the family of the Promised Messiah join you for even five minutes, can you not see this revelation has clearly been fulfilled right in front of your eyes and Allah has shown which side he is with?
9- How can you accept Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as being any sort of truthful beloved of Allah when Allah has clearly cursed him, according to your belief, with the most evil progeny humanity has ever seen (what else can you say of a family who has destroyed religion like no other family in history, according to your belief)?
10- How can you accept your founder, Maulawi Muhammad Ali, to be a truthful man when he rejected his own arguments from his lengthy statement in 1906 and instead spent the rest of his years devoting himself to a character assassination of the same boy he had presented as a sign of Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and refuting his own earlier remarks?

An article with a full and referenced history/analysis of the split between Lahori and Qadiani Ahmadi sects can be found on This Link

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