


Earlier this week, we announced that every Monday, Wednesday and Friday through Ramadan we would be publishing articles on various books of Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, to offer an online 'book club' where his writings can be discussed in the comments below and where others who have read the books can translate their favourite paragraphs in the comments etc. for the benefit of the readers. Today, we will be presenting the first book in the series, 'Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya'. For those of you who can read Urdu, the full, original book is available for free online in pdf. format here. We will be dividing this article into various parts:

1- Historical and Social Context on the Publication of Baraheen
2- The Author of Baraheen
3- The Contents of Baraheen.
4- Impact of  Baraheen.
5- Discussion of Selected Passages from Baraheen

1- Historical and Social Context on the Publication of the Baraheen
India had for a long time been a religiously rich and varied country. Islam, Sikhism, Hinduism and other religions had for centuries coexisted side by side. However, the advance of the British Empire and their eventual conquering of India lead to another religion very much coming to the fore: Christianity. Christian missionaries poured into India and the result was that within decades, by the late 1800s, it was estimated that India had had almost 3 million people convert to Christianity. To put that into context, this would have meant more than 1% of the Indian population joining Christianity in the space of just a few years. 

On the other hand, Hindu reform movements of India, such as the Aryah Samaj and the Brahmu Samaj were strategically targeting Muslims for potential converts. Tactics they employed with some success included publishing literature full of foul language and derogatory remarks about the character of The Holy Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. and this was a pursuit that the Hindus and the Christians became united in. In fact, such strategies were so successful that the Muslims were left paralysed in shock and on a retreat. They were being attacked from every side. The Christians in particular became so confident by these early successes against Islam that they began to anticipate a complete victory. One Christian preacher in India, named John Henry Barrows, was emboldened enough to venture that, 'Christ, in the person of his disciples, shall enter the ka'bah of Mecca,' meaning that Barrows and his ilk had begun to envisage that their early successes would lead to the complete annihilation of Islam by Christianity, even in the holy city of Mecca. 

2- The Author of the Baraheen
In the late 1300s, an empire in central Asia was built by the Turkic-Mongol Muslim emperor Timur. It was from his uncle, Barlas, that a man called Mirza Hadi Beg migrated to a part of India in 1530, where he founded the village that would later be known as Qadian. The town of Qadian was well fortified and became a sort of local capital for around 600 villages, of which Mirza Hadi Beg was appointed the chief. His descendants continued to remain respected chiefs. At various points they seem to have been incredibly wealthy and to have kept armies of up to 7,000 soldiers and had great influence in the courts of the Mughal emperors of India. However, by the early 1800s the descendant of Mirza Hadi Beg called Mirza Ghulam Murtaza had seen the family estate dwindle to just Qadian and a few surrounding villages. 

It so happened that Mirza Ghulam Murtaza was blessed with three children. The eldest was named Mirza Ghulam Qadir and the youngest two siblings, born in 1835, were twins; a girl and a boy. The girl passed away shortly after her birth, but the boy remained healthy and was named Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. Through his childhood, tutors were hired for the purpose of his education and by the standards of the time he became very well educated. He was taught The Holy Qu'ran and the basics of religion, as well as reading and writing in Arabic, Urdu, Persian and studying logic, medicine and philosophy. He was also well acquainted with the local language Punjabi and so in this way he became multi-lingual. 

As he grew older, it became clear where Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's interests lay. Whilst his father and, later, his brother regularly attempted to cajole him into taking up various professional and financially lucrative careers, he would instead devote his time to praying, fasting, and a constant and regular study of The Holy Qu'ran and the collection of ahadith found in Bukhari. As he grew older, he began to become involved in debates with Christian scholars and so he obtained a copy of The Holy Bible and studied it so carefully that he could quote from it as easily as the best Christian preacher. 

3- The Contents of the Baraheen.
By the late 1870s, Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad had reached maturity and could see the state of affairs facing the Muslim world. Many Muslim scholars and leaders had openly written their belief that Islam was in a state of decline. Faced with these circumstances, Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was compelled to become like a mighty lion, roaring in the defence of Islam. He undertook a huge project, collecting hundreds of allegations which he planned to refute in one lengthy book, with logical arguments and referenced proofs. Although the book came to be known as 'Baraheen-e-Ahmadiyya,' it's full title translated to, 'Arguments in Support of The Holy Qu'ran and The Holy Prophet s.a.w'. Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad described the purpose of the book in it's early pages:
Let it be clear to all seekers of the truth that the reason this book has been compiled is so that the proofs of the truth of Islam, of the excellence of The Holy Qu'ran and of the prophethood of The Holy Prophet s.a.w. are made known with the greatest clearity. (Baraheen-e-Ahmadiyya, Volume 1)
Moreover, unlike the foul practices of the anti-Islam religious scholars of the age, he did so without resorting to foul or derogatory language:
It is not our aim that we should injure the religious susceptibilities of any person, or stir up or commence any controversy unnecessarily. (Baraheen-e-Ahmadiyya, Volume 1)
The original manuscript for the book was 2,500 pages long. This was condensed into the initial four volumes. Volume 1 and 2 were published in 1880, with volume 3 following in 1882 and volume 4 in 1884. The first volume dealt with the excellences of Islam and challenged the scholars of any other faith to find even one fifth of the same excellences from their own religious scriptures as he had given for the sake of Islam in this book. If they could do so, Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad offered to pay them the enormous prize of 10,000 rupees. To this day, noone has succeeded in this challenge. The second volume dealt with refuting the arguments of the Hindu Sect called Aryah Samaj. In the third volume, he highlighted the beauties and perfections of The Holy Qu'ran. He also explained how God communicates with man and announced that he himself was ready to prove that he was the recipient of divine revelation. The fourth volume dealt with a wide range of subjects. These included the nature of miracles and the abilities of God's prophets to foretell the future and contained prophecies by Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad himself. He also conducted detailed analysis of sects from Hinduism and the religions of Buddhism, Christianity and Judaism. The book also contained arguments proving that Muhammad s.a.w. was the most superior human being of all time, better than any prophet or leader ever in the history of mankind. 

4- Impact of  Baraheen.
If the humble and naturally reclusive Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad had been largely unheard of before, the publication of his epic defence of Islam eventually resulted in his name becoming known and talked of in every corner of India. Scholarly reviewers of the time had the following to say about his efforts:
From the viewpoint of this modern age, this book stands unique in the history of Islam. No book like it has been published in the past. The work of the author in the service of Islam, through his life, his energy, his pen and his tongue, indeed in every form of activity is almost unprecedented amongst Muslims. We challenge anyone to show us the like of this book. 
It is well known that Satanic suggestions are mostly false, but not one of the revelations received by the author of Baraheen-e-Ahmadiyya has been proved false up to this day. Can any Muslim, follower of the Qu'ran believe that Satan can be given knowledge like the prophets and angels of that which is hidden, so that not one of his disclosures of the hidden should lack truth?
The excellence of this book and it's benefit for Islam will be recognised by those who read it with an open mind. Therefore, acting upon the principle that the only return for beneficence is beneficence, we wish to point out that helping the publication of this book through contributions towards the cost of printing is a duty laid upon the entire Muslim community. 
The author of Baraheen-e-Ahmadiyya has, by writing this book, safeguarded the honour of the Muslims and has challenged the opponents of Islam emphatically and forcefully. He has announced to the whole world that anyone who doubts the truth of Islam should come to him and should witness the intellectual and spiritual proofs, based upon the Qu'ran and the miraculous manifestation of the prophethood of Muhammad in support of the truth of Islam. (Review By Muhammad Hussain Batalvi, leader of the Ahle Sunnah sect, who became one of the most bitter enemies of Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, following his claim to prophethood)
Another leading Muslim scholar wrote the following:
This book wipes out the doubts that are expressed by the opponents of Islam. It is clear, according to the sayings of The Holy Prophet s.a.w. that God would raise among the Muslim at the beginning of each century one who would revive the faith. The author of this book is the reformer of the 14th century and is one of the most perfect individuals of the Muslim community. (Ahmad of Ludhiana, a leading Sufi of the time)
Yet another review stated:
Islam is being attacked from all directions. Atheism is flourishing and irreligiousness is on the increase. Those of the Hindu Brahmu Samaj are making every effort to establish the superiority of their creed over Islam through their philosophic writings. Our Christian brothers are devoting the whole of their efforts towards wiping out Islam. We have been most anxious, over a long period, that from the body of the Muslim divines someone may be inspired to God to stand up in support and defence of the faith and write a book which set out, on the basis of reason and spiritual arguments, to prove that the Holy Qu'ran is the word of God and the Holy Prophet s.a.w. was a righteous prophet of God. We are deeply grateful to God that this desire of ours has been fulfilled. Here is the book. It's title is Baraheen-e-Ahmadiyya and the author has set out in it 300 conclusive arguments in proof of the truth of the Holy Qu'ran and the prophethood of Muhammad s.a.w. This is the book which, in truth, is matchless. The author has proved the truth of Islam by such positive arguments taht every just person would acknowledge that Islam is a faith established by God. (Editorial from Manshoor Muhammadi, a journal in Bangalore, India)
One further journal noted:
The cogent reasons and brilliant arguments that Mirza Sahib has brought forth in support of Islam show beyond doubt that he has excelled the writings of the old and new ulema in eloquence and presentation (The Rud-e-Hind Magazine, Amritsar, India, March 1, 1886)
It should be noted when considering the ecstatic reviews of the book presented above, that at the time of it's publication Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad had not made any claims to prophethood etc. because his mission had not been made clear to him by Allah as yet. It is interesting to see that the notable scholars and academics of the Islamic world at the time were ready to accept him as their Mujaddid and as one of the best scholars and personalities the Muslim world had ever seen. It is a shame they turned away from him and became his enemies in some cases after Allah the Almighty made his position as a prophet of the Islamic ulama clear. 

5- Discussion of Selected Passages from Baraheen
We cannot possibly hope to do justice to the incredible and beautiful nature of the book with just a few extracts. Nonetheless, so that readers can sample a little 'flavour' of the book we will present the following extracts, starting with this Arabic revelation contained within the book:
Allah has taught you the Qur’an so that you should warn the people whose ancestors have not been warned, and that the way of the guilty ones might become manifest. Say: I have been commissioned...Every blessing is from Muhammad s.a.w, so highly blessed is he who taught and he who has been taught. Say: If I have invented it of myself, the sin thereof is on me. Allah is the God Who has sent His Messenger and His Appointed One with guidance and the true faith so that He should make this faith prevail over all diverse faiths. We shall suffice against those who mock you. People will say: ‘Whence have you received this status; whence have you received this status? What is presented as revelation is only the word of a man and has been made with the help of other people; do you knowingly accept that which is a delusion? How can that happen which he promises you, especially the promise of one who is lowly and mean [and cannot even express himself properly]. He is ignorant or demented.’ ...This status has been granted as a mercy from your Lord. He will perfect His bounty unto you so that it should be a Sign for the people. You have appeared with clear Sign from your Lord so give glad tidings and by the grace of your Lord you are not demented. We shall suffice against those who scoff at you. [Proclaim]: Shall I inform you on whom the satans descend? They descend upon every lying sinner. Lord, reform the people of Muhammad. Our Lord,judge between us and our people with truth; You are the Best of Judges. Say: Carry on, on your side to plan for your success and I shall also carry on and soon you will see whose actions are blessed with acceptance. They attempt to frighten you of others than Allah. ...We shall soon cause fear to enter their hearts. They will say: ‘This is only a delusion.’ Say: God has revealed these words; and then leave them occupied with their sport and play. Say: If I have invented it, the sin thereof is on me; and who is more unjust than one who invents a lie against Allah? ...the Muslims possessing the characteristics of Jews will not be pleased with you. These people will devise their plans and Allah will devise His plan [and Allah is the Best of Planners]. There will soon be mischief, then be steadfast as the prophets of high resolve were steadfast. Beg Allah for the manifestation of your truthfulness. We have the power to show them before your death a manifestation of Our divine decree that We have promised, or cause you to die. Allah is not such as to chastise those among whom you dwell. People will come to you so that the track will become deep due to excessive travel. So many people will come to you that the track on which they travel will become deep. We will bestow upon you a manifest victory. The victory of the friend of Allah is the true victory. Had faith ascended to the Pleiades he would have reached there and brought it down. Allah will illumine his arguments. We looked at you and commanded the fire, which is the fire of mischief from the people: Be cool and safe for this Abraham. Treasures of the mercy of your Lord shall be granted to you. O you the one wrapped up, stand up and warn. Your name will come to an end O Ahmad, but My name will not come to an end....O sons of Persia. Give glad tidings to those who have believed...Remember that a time is coming that people will come to you in large numbers.There will be people who will migrate from their homes to dwell in your quarters. ...They will be very strong of faith. You will see their eyes shedding tears...Write down all these prophecies for they will be fulfilled at their due time. (Baraheen-e-Ahmadiyyah, p238–242)
The revelation received by Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and recorded in Baraheen-e-Ahmadiyya contained several marvelous prophecies. Firstly, let us remember that at the time that this extract from the third volume of Baraheen was published, Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was riding a wave of popularity amongst the Muslims of India. As shown in the reviews sampled above, the first two volumes of his book, published two years earlier, had received widespread acclaim amongst the Muslim leaders of various sects. The reviewers had even gone so far as to declare Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad to be a Mujadid, before he himself had even told them he was one! For him, during this period of intense popularity, to have received the revelation that he would be mocked, scoffed, called a liar, presumed to be suffering from a 'delusion', be derided as 'lowly', 'mean', 'ignorant' and even, 'demented' must have been quite a shocking and surprising revelation to receive. However, every single one of these predictions has come true and many Muslims continue to make these exact same allegations against the person of Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad to this day. Not only was it prophecised in this revelation that the people would turn against Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and make every kind of mischief to try and undermine his mission, but it was also promised that he would have a victory of such a kind that people would migrate to live with him and that the tracks to Qadian would become exceedingly warn, due to the number of visitors coming to see him. These promises of victory were fulfilled in his own lifetime. We could dedicate a long article analysing the incredible nature of this revelation alone, but as this post is becoming very, very long we will leave it at that for now. 
We should not let a doubt enter our minds how a mere follower can partake of the names and attributes and praises of that accepted Messenger. It is true that in reality even a Prophet cannot share equally in the holy excellences of the Holy Prophet(saw). Indeed even the angels cannot claim equality in that respect, let alone that anyone else should share in his excellences. But O seeker after truth, may God guide you aright, listen carefully to this. With the object that the blessings of that accepted Prophet should be displayed forever and that the perfect rays of his light should confound and refute his opponents, God Almighty has made the following arrangement by His wisdom and mercy. Some individuals out of the followers of Muhammad, peace be upon him, who obey him with thorough humility and falling prostrate on the threshold of humbleness are completely lost to their ego, being found by God like a clear mirror, exhibit the blessings of the accepted Messenger in their humble selves. Whatever praise is bestowed upon them by God and whatever signs and blessings are manifested by them, the true source of all their praise and the perfect fountainhead of all those blessings is the Holy Prophet(saw). In reality and in their perfection those praises are worthy only of him and he is their perfect exemplar, but as the follower of the way of the Holy Prophet(saw) becomes through his perfect obedience like a reflection of the Holy Prophet and the Divine lights which are manifested in the latter are also manifested in his reflection, the appearance in the shadow of the whole form and manner of the reality is a matter that is not hidden from anyone. This shadow is not established in itself and no superiority is in reality present in it. All that appears in it is a picture of the real one which is manifested in the reflection. Do not, therefore, consider it a loss that the inner lights of the Holy Prophet(saw), reach those who are perfectly obedient to him out of his followers. Two great matters result from this reflection of lights, which, like permanent grace, manifests itself in some members of the following of Muhammad(saw). One is that the extreme perfection of the Holy Prophet(saw), is thereby displayed; for a torch from which other torches can be lit and are ever lit, is better than a torch from which no other torch can be lit. Secondly, the perfection of the Muslims and their superiority over the followers of other religions is established by this permanent grace and the proof of the reality of the religion of Islam is furnished afresh and reliance is not had only upon the past. This is the manner in which the lights of the truth of the Holy Qur’an shine forth like the sun, and the proof of Islam is established conclusively as against its opponents, and the disgrace and humiliation and frustration of the enemies of Islam are made manifest. They observe in Islam those blessings and light the like of which they cannot find in the ministers and pundits of their own religion. Consider this well, O true seeker, May Allah help thee in thy search…. How great is the station of the Khatamul Anbiya, peace be on him, and how excellent is the bright effectiveness of this sun of righteousness that obedience to him makes someone a perfect believer and someone else a recogniser of God and bestows upon a third one the rank of a Sign of Allah and a Proof of Allah and bestows upon him Divine praise. (Baraheen-e-Ahmadiyyah, p243) 
One claim made by anti-Ahmadiyya commentators, even on this site, is that Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, God forbid, changed his opinions and beliefs with time to suit his own agenda. The above quotation conclusively proves that in the very first book he published, long before he claimed- based on divine revelation- to be the Mahdi, the Messiah and a prophet of God, he already believed that a prophet could come amongst the followers of The Holy Prophet s.a.w. What it also shows beyond doubt is that the argument of Lahori Ahmadi sect (if you don't know who they are see the first edition of this series) that Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was not a prophet, as they claim no prophet can come after Muhammad s.a.w, is patently false. How can you on the one hand believe someone to be a Mujaddid, the divinely appointed Mahdi and the Messiah of Islam and on the other hand disagree with his beliefs on Islamic theology?
The fine verities pertaining to religion, and all the learning pertaining to the subject of Divinity, and conclusive arguments in support of the truth together with the mysteries and insights that are set out in the Holy Qur’an, are such that human faculties collectively are not able to discover them nor can the intelligence of an intelligent person alight on them on its own. A consideration of past ages has shown that no philosopher or wise man was able to discover all that knowledge; but in this case there is a wonder upon wonders, that is to say, that knowledge and insight were bestowed upon one who was entirely unlearned. He had never seen a school nor read a book nor kept company with any learned or wise person. He lived his life among wild people, was born and brought up among them and kept company with them. The Holy Prophet(saw) being unlettered is a matter so patent that no historian of Islam is unaware of it (Baraheen-e-Ahmadiyya, p470)
The above extract is one of the countless logical arguments presented through the book for the truth of the prophethood of Muhammad s.a.w. As mentioned earlier, the book is filled with the defence of Islam, The Holy Prophet s.a.w. and The Holy Qu'ran, but for the sake of brevity we are only presenting the very short extract above. Apologies. Anyhow, now we will turn to another Arabic revelation from the book:
The Champion of Allah in the mantle of the Prophets. (Baraheen-e-Ahmadiyya, p503)
It is important to note that the above revelation was published in Baraheen-e-Ahmadiyya Volume 4 in 1884. As already mentioned, an allegation raised against Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad is that he changed his claims with time. The truth is, that the revelations he received from Allah describing his status were consistent throughout his lifetime. Here, years before he understood himself to be a prophet of God, he was already receiving hints in revelations by having himself described as a 'Champion of Allah in the mantle of the Prophets'. Without a doubt, at the time he did not understand this revelation to literally mean he was a prophet of God. However, the fact it took him a number of years to understand the full meaning of this and similar revelations should not be held against him. It should be remembered that The Holy Prophet s.a.w. did not initially fully understand the meaning of Gabriel when passed on Allah's message to 'recite'. In the same way, Abraham did not initially understand that the meaning of the dream in which he saw himself slaughtering his son did not literally mean he should slaughter his own son. The point is, that there are many examples of even prophets of Allah not immediately recognising the true significance of revelations which they receive. 
They will ask: ‘Whence have you obtained this? This is all imposture.’ When Allah the Almighty helps a believer He makes many in the earth jealous of him. The Fire is the ultimate resort for those who persist in jealousy and do not reform themselves. Tell them: ‘All these works belong to God;’ and then leave them being beguiled by their sport. Deal kindly with people and be compassionate towards them. You are to them like Musa [Moses] and be steadfast with regard to whatever they might say. (Baraheen-e-Ahmadiyyah, p503)
Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad himself explained the meaning of the above revelation which he received with the following words in the same book: 'Hadhrat Moses exercised more forbearance and gentleness towards the the Israelites than any of their other Prophets. Neither The Messiah nor any other Prophet in Israel approached the high status of Hadhrat Moses. The Torah says that Hadrat Musaas was better and higher than all Prophets in Israel in kindness, gentleness, and high moral qualities. For instance, the Torah says: The man Moses was very meek, above all the men who were upon the face of the earth (Numbers, 12:3). Thus, God has praised the meekness of Moses in the Torah using words which He has not employed with reference to any other Prophet in Israel. It is true, however, that the high moral qualities of the Seal of the Prophets s.a.w, which are mentioned in the Holy Qur’an, are thousands of times higher than those of Hadhrat Moses a.s. inasmuch as God has announced concerning the Seal of the Prophets, s.a.w, that he comprehends in his own person all high moral qualities that are found spread out among all the Prophets. Moreover, He has said with regard to the Holy Prophet, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him:You do most surely possess the highest moral excellences…As the Muslim divines are like the Prophets of Israel, therefore, in this revelation this humble one has been likened to Hadrat Moses a.s. This is all a part of the blessings of the Chief of the Prophets that God, the Noble, honours individual ones among his humble followers with such noble messages out of His great bounty and benevolence. O Allah, send down Your blessings upon Muhammad and upon the progeny of Muhammad.' Yet another revelation recorded in Baraheen reads:
Thy God is well pleased with what thou hast done. He will bless thee greatly, so much so that Kings will seek blessings from that garments (Baraheen-e-Ahmadiyya, Volume 4, p520)
This incredible prophecy, revealed to Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and recorded in Baraheen-e-Ahmadiyya, was marvelously fulfilled during the lifetime of Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, fourth successor of Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. During Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad's khilafat, numerous kings from parts of Africa accepted Islam Ahmadiyya. The major kings from amongst these were honoured at a ceremony, in which Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad presented them with various garments that had once been worn by Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. 
I love you. I shall give you a large party of Islam. (Baraheen-e-Ahmadiyyah, p. 556)
The revelation above was fulfilled in the lifetime of Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, with thousands entering into his community, and continues to be fulfilled to this day with millions now following him worldwide. 
 O ‘Isa [Jesus] I shall give you full reward or cause you to die and shall raise you towards Me, meaning that I shall raise your status or will raise you from the life on earth, and shall clear you of all the accusations and calumnies of the disbelievers and shall raise your followers above those who disbelieve, till the Day of Judgment. This means that: ‘I shall give victory to your followers and companions over others in arguments, reasoning, and blessings. There is a group from among the first ones and a group from among the last ones. (Baraheen-e-Ahmadiyya, p556)
Once again, as mentioned earlier, the anti-Ahmadiyya group allege that Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad constantly altered his claim. The above revelation published years before he claimed to be the Messiah of the age, shows that the revelations he received were consistent throughout his lifetime as even in the above revelation, published in 1884, he is being described as 'Isa' (Jesus a.s.) and he himself admitted this by writing on the same page of Baraheen, 'In this revelation this humble one is meant by the word ‘Isa.' However, it was only years later that Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad would acknowledge the full significance of this revelation by announcing that Allah the Almighty had repeatedly informed him that he was the Messiah of the age. Also, Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad explained that the last line of the revelation, 'There is a group from among the first ones and a group from among the last ones,' was a prophecy which meant that his followers would include those who would accept him from both the Muslims and the non-Muslims worldwide and this has already been fulfilled with many non-Muslims having entered his community. 
I shall demonstrate My light and shall raise you with a demonstration of My power. A Warner came unto the world, but the world accepted him not; yet God shall manifest His favour and demonstrate his truth with powerful assaults. ..There is a trial here, then be steadfast as were the prophets of high resolve. (Baraheen-e-Ahmadiyya, p.557)
The above revelation again shows that in the early 1880s Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was already receiving revelations which hinted at his prophethood, which he would only fully understand years later. 
'Be grateful to Me as you have seen my Khadijah' (Baraheen-e-Ahmadiyya, p558)
In the above revelation, Hadhrat Nusrat Jehan Begum, wife of Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad a.s. was compared to Khadijah, the wife of The Holy Prophet s.a.w. Again, this is a revelation of which the Lahori Ahmadiyya sect, who accept Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's claim to Messiahship and Mujadiddiyya, whilst rejecting his prophethood and also rejecting Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya, should pay careful attention to. Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad passed away in 1908 whilst Hadhrat Nusrat Jehan Begum lived till 1952. Throughout her life she remained loyal and obedient to Khilafat. Do the Lahori group accept Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad whilst believing his Khadijah to be the follower of impostors, liars and deceivers? 

Furthermore, Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad commented on this revelation with the words, 'my wife was named Khadijah as she is the mother to a blessed progeny and a blessed progeny has also been promised to me.' (Nazulul Masih, p146-147). This promise of Allah's to bless the progeny of Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and his wife Hadhrat Nusrat Jehan Begum has been fulfilled through over 700 descendants to date. Amongst these descendants, four have been khalifas who the Lahoris believe to be impostors, liars and deceivers of the worst kind. What sort of blessed progeny do they believe in?! Furthermore, amongst those 700 descendants, every single one claims allegiance to the Khalifa and not a single one has ever entered the Lahori sect. What sort of blessed progeny is this that, according to them, every single one of their number has entered falsehood and left the truthful party? 
The opponents will try to put out the light of Allah. Say: Allah Himself is the Guardian of that light. Allah’s favour guards you. We have sent it down and We are the Guardian. Allah is the Best of guardians and He is the Most Merciful. They will try to frighten you of diverse things; they are the leaders of disbelief. Fear not, you will be on top. That is, you shall prevail in terms of clear proofs, arguments, acceptance and blessings. Allah will help you in many fields, that is, you will be on top in debates and religious discussions. My day will distinguish clearly between truth and falsehood. Allah has decreed: I and My messengers shall certainly prevail.... And they will say: ‘This is (nothing but) a falsehood that he has invented. We have not heard of it from our forefathers, that is, from the past elders in faith’.[Baraheen-e-Ahmadiyya, p559)
The above revelation, recorded in the 1884 publication of Baraheen Volume 4, prophecised many of the strategies that would be employed by the opponents of Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. What is remarkable is that at this point Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad had not stated anything particularly controversial to the Muslims and was largely praised. He had not announced that he was the Mahdi, nor that he was the Messiah, nor that he was a literal prophet of God. Nor had he announced that Jesus a.s. had died in India etc. However, already Allah the Almighty had informed him that he would be the person who would give insights into religion which would prove controversial with the Ummah and be of such a nature that his opponents would denounce him with phrases such as, 'We have not heard of it from our forefathers, that is the elders in faith'. These words have been magnificently fulfilled and continue to be fulfilled even by anti-Ahmadiyya commentators on this site who raise objections against Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad that his claims contradicted the interpretations of such and such famous old Muslim scholars.

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