


An article with a full and referenced history/analysis of the split between Lahori and Qadiani Ahmadi sects can be found on This Link

The Lahoris are a group of Ahmadis who accept Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as a holy man, but not a prophet and reject Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya altogether. They number a few hundred or perhaps a few thousand worldwide and 100 years after they split from teh Khilafat this blog had absolutely zero interest with them or with writing about them. However, after members of their organisation began posting foul mouthed, abusive tirades against Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya on this blog we decided we might as well respond by asking them a few simple questions about their beliefs. So far we have asked 15 questions and beyond replying with swear words they have failed to answer a single one of them. This aritcle will continue the questions.

The blessings
Without a doubt, in the first months following the split, the Lahori group claimed a victory based on their assertion that the majority of Ahmadis had- God forbid- rejected the Khilafat of Hadhrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad:
With regret one notes it is being said that two thousand disciples of the Promised Messiah have accepted his Khilafat. But the number of people, with any awareness of the context prevailing in Qadian, on the question of the Khilafat, who have come out in support of Khilafat, is so low that not to speak of forty supporters, the number hardly runs to a poor, insignificant ten. (Paigham-i-Sulha, April 19th 1914)
So, to the Lahori magazine above, a whole month into his Khilafat only an 'poor, insignificant ten' Ahmadis had accepted the Khilafat of Hadhrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad. Again, according to the Lahori's magazine, a few weeks later things hadn't much improved:
By this time, hardly one twentieth part of the membership of the Movement has accepted him as Khalifa. (Paigham-i-Sulha, May 5, 1914)
By 1952, a prominent leader and member of the Anjuman of the Lahoris penned a speech in which he publicly admitted their total failure against the Qadianis:
Thirty-seven years have passed since the day we started our work here in Lahore; but it is discouraging to note that, so far, we have failed to emerge out of the four walls, hemming us in. On the part of the Qadian Section, the steady progress of that Section continues. We have, before us, a number of young men whose fathers, or grandfathers, were ardent members of the Movement; but that spirit and ardour seems to have flown out of their own hearts.” (Al-Hajj Sheikh Mian Muhammad, in Paigham-i-Sulha, February 6, 1952)
Today, according to this blog's sources in Lahore, on their annual international Jalsas the Lahoris have an attendance of at most 70 people. Their numbers are so small that when Hadhur recently visited Berlin we heard rumours they had tried to sell us their mosque there. Meanwhile, the 'Qadian' branch has expanded into more or less every country of the world and has a population of over ten million, as confirmed by independent sources herehere and here. We own thousands of mosques around the world and are one of the fastest growing religious sects anywhere. Among our ranks there have been a Nobel prize winner, a director of the World Bank, various major political figures in Pakistan, Ghana and other countries etc.  Moreover, 'Qadiani' Ahmadis launched MTA, the first worldwide advert-free Islamic channel and we still own the home of The Promised Messiah in Qadian and are building other Ahmadiyya villages in Rabwah and Peace Village, Canada. Around the world, wherever Hadhur visits hundreds of thousands of fervent Ahmadi Muslims greet him. Enemies such as Zia are destroyed five days after our Khalifa prophecises he will be. This is despite our beliefs being much less popular with the general Muslim public than yours (ie. that Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad is a prophet of God and that to reject him is an act of kufr). Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad expands on these points in the short English clip below:

Question for Lahori Ahmadis
16- Why is it that despite starting in the same position, the Ahmadis who chose the unpopular beliefs that are hated by non-Ahmadi Muslims have successfully spread and advanced under the hand of Khilafat while those that rejected Khilafat and chose the popular beliefs which should have been much easier to spread have dwindled into obscure nothingness?

An article with a full and referenced history/analysis of the split between Lahori and Qadiani Ahmadi sects can be found on This Link

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